Macheads101 is a YouTube channel devoted to Apple products, programming, and computers. Our goal is to teach people how to explore and expand what they can do with their computers, all with easy-to-follow video tutorials. People around the world have utilized our service, many of whom subscribe in order to receive updates on our videos. We have accumulated thousands of subscribers from all across the world, and our videos collectively have millions of views.
The account itself was created August 13, 2008 by Jonathan Loeb and Garrett Love. Jon soon invited his close friend, Alex Nichol, to join them in their goal. After making the first Macheads101 video at Jon's house, Alex went on to create many videos on his own. Garrett left early on, but Macheads101, now run by Jon and Alex, went on to become the success that it is today.
After several years of hard work, the channel had already collected thousands of subscribers. At this point, Alex and Jon thought it a good idea to produce a Macheads101 website. Jon created a basic structure for the site, and Alex worked on the content. This website is still operational today.
In the following years, Alex began to hone his interest in iPhone programming. He and Jon soon started an iPhone development team, inviting Toviah Botwinik to fill the role of designer. As this team was related to but separate from Macheads101, it was given a separate name: Jitsik.
So, where has Macheads101 come in 4 years? We have accumulated more than 8,000 subscribers, and our multitude of nearly 500 videos has received over 3 million views. We are both happy to have had the opportunity that we did to help so many people, and we plan to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.